ELPEX rollerski bag basic
High quality rollerski bag from Elpex with zipper. Space up to 3 pairs of rollerskis.
Carbonfibre Cap – the training rollerski for all skiers around 65kg
body-weight. Incl mud flaps.
The frame of the SweNor Carbonfibre Cap is known from all cap models: Thin layers of fibreglas and wood are fixed with glue under pressure. So the best of each material helps for a perfect ski-felling of the SweNor Carbonfibre Cap. On bad asphalt the frame damps all forces from the ground and offers a smooth comfortable roller-skiing. While pushing and transferring the power of your legs the frame of the SweNor Carbonfibre Cap absorbs the power and provides a handling known from nordic-skis.
Light skiers have always the problem that stiff frames don’t flex enough for their weight. That’s why the SweNor Carbonfibre Cap is made for skiers around 65kg body weight.
The wheels on the SweNor Carbonfibre Cap are a little bit smaller than normal classic wheels. They are not that stable but train the right balance for nordic-skiing. But they are soft and provide perfect grip in dry and good grip on wet ground. For a lot of training kilometers the wheels are long-life.
Conclusion: The SweNor Carbonfibre Cap is a classic
rollerski for professional light weight skiers. Especially women will find a
good training rollerski. For advanced skiers we recommend you the speed reducers for the front wheels. They provide up to 40% more rolling resistance variable.
product details SweNor Carbonfibre Cap:
Advice and information about the rollerski sport you can find in our selection roller skiing.
Herstellerangaben zu SweNor.
High quality rollerski bag from Elpex with zipper. Space up to 3 pairs of rollerskis.
Extreme light brake for all rollerski models. Fixing on all aluminum, carbon and woodcore frames. Incl. mud guard.
High quality with patented frame. Carbon material for perfect classic training in summer. Rollerski of many national teams. Choose between three speeds and PU version. Made in Sweden.
Training roller-ski for light-weight skiers around 65kg. Carbonfibre and woodcore shaft. Incl. mud guards.
The carbon rollerski from SkiGo with positive frame-construction for classic skiing. High quality compared with low price.
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