KV+ / KV2


KV+ is a Swiss sports company which is concentrated on sports goods for skiing poles and accessories. Founded 1998 as KV2 the company is known as KV+ since 2004.

KV+ poles are used by many skiers and roller skiers all over the globe. High quality and reliability are distinguishing for the poles. Even if the company is not that famous like Swix, KV+ doesn’t spend that much money for commercial – they rather keep the prices for poles low. Especially for roller skiing sport KV+ have special poles and tips. That fact shows the special engagement of KV+ for those sports. If you want to buy roller ski poles and want to use them in winter too, you can order the special winter tips and use your poles for skiing the whole year.


Here you can find skiing poles of KV+.


Customer service at the telephone number
(+49) 037467 / 223 55




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