Cross-Skating - equipment

Following there’s a short overview about the nordic cross-skating equipment.

The nordic cross-skating technique

The running technique with nordic cross skates is - as you might suspect – the skating technique (similar to xc-skiing and roller skiing). The difference is that there is no clapping of the shoes from the frame like on roller ski.

Therefore nordic cross skates are best for runners who are rolling much on plane areas or want to learn the skating technique. But even advanced runners and ambitious athletes have fun on nordic cross skates.

The run in the classic technique (diagonal technique) with additional backstop wheels is partly possible because the shoe does not come off of the equipment. Classic skiers should switch to off-road roller ski.

The nordic cross skates

Models where you can use your own shoe?
Models with fixed shoe?

There are two types of nordic cross skates: models, where you can use your own shoe and some with fixed shoe.


Nordic cross skates using your own mobile shoe (e.g. Powerslide XC-Skeleton):


The cross skate is designed for using your own shoes. The shoe is secured by a Velcro fastener in the area of the front foot.

In the instep and ankle area is secured by a binding with a comfortable padding which is adjustable by a ratchet system. The ankle is well fixed with a third buckle system in the nordic cross skates. The length adjustment for the different shoe sizes is also guaranteed.

The best shoes for this type of nordic cross skates are athletic shoes or sneakers. Advantages are a fast slipping in and buckling up. That’s why you can use the skates for everyday life.

Nordic cross skates with fixed shoes (e.g. Powerslide XC-Trainer):

These cross skates allow the professional practice of nordic cross-skating sport. The shoe used is a model known from inline-skating and it is fixed on the frame. It ensures a better connection between athlete and skates and helps for a professional handling and excellent control. This enables safe and fast descents and you can enjoy long gliding phases.

Both nordic cross skates are equipped with a calf brake which is mounted on the right skate. In addition you can install a second calf brake on the left skate. We recommend using for your cross skates two brakes for many mountain slopes, or for safety-conscious skaters.


Tires of nordic cross skates

As standard for nordic cross skates are air tires with 150mm diameter proved. They are good to ride on asphalt and have perfect off-road capabilities. The safety of a breakdown is high, but it is still recommended to have a replacement tube, outer tire or full replacement wheels.


Poles for nordic cross-skating

Pole length?
It should be noticed that cross-skating poles should be slightly longer than cross-country skiing poles.
To select the perfect nordic cross-skating length there’s formula for the right size:

Size (in cm) x 0.92 = cross-skating pole length (in cm)

In case of an in-between size you ??should round up or down to find the right size. Alternatives represent telescope-poles that are adjustable in length (e.g. for people who want to use the poles for their cross skates and xc-skis, too).

The market provides a variety of poles. In general, poles with higher carbon content are preferred. On the one hand they are much lighter and on the other hand you can transfer all of your power better than with aluminum poles. For nordic cross skates you can use roller skiing poles and cross country skiing poles.
Plates of nordic poles give good grip off road and do not sink in. If you are equipped with poles of high quality then you can use them on hard ground, too (especially for using cross skates on asphalt). Special roller skiing and cross-skating poles have a resistant point for using on asphalt.


Safety on nordic cross-skates


Helmless is headless! You are advised always to wear a helmet on your nordic cross skates regardless of your riding level! Usually high quality helmets have better ventilation for tours in summer. In general, the helmet should fit well (like your cross skates). Help for buying the right helmet is the head circumference (in centimeters). Many helmets are adjustable and in case of an emergency they provide better protection than no helmet.

Besides a helmet, gloves should be used. They can protect against abrasion of the skin and they provide protection from graze in the case of falling. Protectors for elbows and knees offer additional protection while using cross skates.


On your nordic cross skates you are moving in free space and you are
subject to a few dangers. Please keep this in your mind every time you ride, even if the feeling of happiness is high. A considerate dealing with yourself, the nordic cross skates, your equipment and especially with other people can avoid accidents and damages. Cross-skating is prohibited on the road! Please ride only on signposted routes and ensure the protection of nature! Check your nordic cross skates always before using.


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(+49) 037467 / 223 55




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