Roller Skiing - sport


In Central Europe roller skiing is known in the skiing-areas. But roller skiing becomes more famous in other areas. Shorter winter times with less snow intensify this trend.

Roller skiing was initially created as a summer training tool for skiers. In order to reconcile the snow-free period with similar movements to cross country skiing, a sport developed for summer periods - roller skiing. Priority the roller ski where designed for riding in the classic technique (diagonal technique). With the skating technique roller ski for skating were developed.


Roller skiing is one of the sports with the highest energy consumption. Because of being an endurance sport you activate, while training roller skiing, a variety of different muscle groups. Because of using poles the torso (abdomen, torso, shoulder and back muscles) and the arm muscles are activated. Regular roller skiing can reduce e.g. overweight, high blood pressure and preventing posture. In addition, the cardiovascular system and blood supply of your body works better. Next to many positive physiological effects, the body flows during long roller skiing many endorphins (including dopamine) which have a positive effect on well-being and stress reducing.

Roller skiing is a harmonic sequence of movement and is easy on joints and ligaments. The periodic movements while riding allow consistent movements of using poles and impact of the legs. Trough similarity to cross country skiing, techniques can be transferred and applied. It helps if you already have basic experience in similar gliding- sports to learn the technique. Because the leg movement in the skating technique is the same like for rollerblading or ice skating. Still complete beginners can progress quickly.

Roller skiing is suitable for all age groups. Whether young or old, beginner or professional athlete - roller skiing keeps you fit and it is a wonderful equalizing sport for a busy day. Convince yourself!


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