ELPEX Offroad classic
The Offroad classic roller-ski for bad asphalt or non asphal roads. Rubber wheels for cross roller-skiing in classic style. High quality made in Sweden. In green or white.
We are one of the biggest web shops for roller-skis and nordic cross-skates (skikes). We are manufacture for xc-skis and rollerskis (NORDICX) from Germany. In our onlineshop you'll find a huge range of products for nordic sports - on snow and on asphalt. Whether beginner, advanced skier or pro - everybody will find the perfect roller-skis or skikes in our web shop. We like to give our passion for nordic sports to many people. All products we sell in the online shop are tested by our own - you can check out in our media area.
Your benefit of buying roller-skis and nordic cross-skates (skikes) at nordicx.com online shop:
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Enjoy one of the best sports with and without snow - your professional web shop for roller-skis and nordic cross-skates (skikes)
The Offroad classic roller-ski for bad asphalt or non asphal roads. Rubber wheels for cross roller-skiing in classic style. High quality made in Sweden. In green or white.
Classic rollerski for advanced skiers. Same frame but wider wheels like the Elpex Team. Chosse between two different speeds.
Skating rollerski with long-life wheels. Light and bent frame for perfect handling. Rollerski of the Swedish Ski Team.
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(+49) 037467 / 223 55
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