ELPEX Team 610

ELPEX Team 610


Elpex uses the frame of the Wasa 610 for the Team 610. The frame is made out of aluminum and really light weight. Next to the weight the frame of the Elpex Team 610 gives you a perfect skiing-feeling which you know from classic skis. In spite of the flexible frame the Elpex Team 610 can be used by heavy skiers, too.

Beside the flexible frame the Elpex Team 610 has a second plus point: the wheels with 70x40mm measurement. The soft rubber wheels gives a good flex in addition. Furthermore you can handle them perfectly and they have got a good comfort on bad roads. In wet conditions the soft rubber gives you a good grip and the mudguard protects you from wetness. We offer the Elpex Team 610 in three different speed - the most used is the medium/standard speed (2). Further we offer the slow speed (3) and extra slow speed (4) fur power training. Athletes, who will train lots of kilometer will find a new partner in the new longlife version with red wheels and better grip in wet (standard speed (2)), we recommend for more than 2000km a year.

Conclusion: The Elpex Team 610 is a classic rollerski for professional skiers who want to have one of the best rollerskis worldwide. Many professional professional skiers – especially in Northern Europe – prefer the Elpex Team 610.


product details Elpex Team 610:

  • Frame material: aluminum
  • Wheelbase: 700mm
  • Frame width: ca. 38mm
  • Stand height (without binding): 42mm
  • Ground clearance: ca. 22mm
  • Wheel diameter: 70mm ELPEX rubber wheels with integrated reverse lock
  • Wheel width: 40mm
  • Speed: standard (2), slow (3) or extra slow (4) and longlife version (2)
  • Weight per pair roller skis: 2.0kg
  • Standard fenders
  • color: blue (type 2018), white/blue (current model)
  • made in sweden


Advice and information about the roller ski-sport you can find in our selection roller skiing.


Herstellerangaben zu .

Reduced from 319,99 EUR now only from 269,99 EUR

incl. VAT, plus shipping costs

Lieferzeit: 1 to 3 Day

delivery time:
1 to 3 Day

Media files

The Elpex Team 610 tested by nordicx.com

Better braking with soft wheels on Elpex rollerskis.


Rollerski Brake

Rollerski Brake

Extreme light brake for all rollerski models. Fixing on all aluminum, carbon and woodcore frames. Incl. mud guard.

Speed Reducers

Speed Reducers

Speed reducers for constant resistance on rollerski wheels.

ELPEX rollerski bag basic

ELPEX rollerski bag basic

High quality rollerski bag from Elpex with zipper. Space up to 3 pairs of rollerskis.

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ELPEX Evolution

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NORDICX Junior Classic

NORDICX Junior Classic

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SWENOR Fibreglass Cap

SWENOR Fibreglass Cap

The top model from SweNor. Incl. mud guards.


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(+49) 037467 / 223 55




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